Let’s go further together


The movement to defend the rights of people with disabilities and their families was born in Quebec in the 1970s, in the wake of mobilizations by other oppressed and discriminated social groups. A young movement, it rapidly gained momentum and made several important gains in the 80s and 90s. Since the 2000s, like the community movement as a whole, it has lost some of its strength, weakened both by the neoliberal policies of successive governments and by the waning militancy of disabled people and their parents.

Produced by Mouvement des personnes handicapées pour l’accès aux services (PHAS), in collaboration with Funambules Médias.

Thematics : , History, Neoliberalism, Social mouvements


Director | , Mathieu Francoeur, Steve Patry
Year | , 2018
Country | , Québec
Length | 59 minutes