A city, a circus, a park

Part­ner­ship between the City and TOHU for the enter­tain­ment of Parc Frédéric-Back and the Saint-Michel district. 


Production on behalf of the City of Montreal, which tells the story of the partnership between the City and TOHU for the entertainment of Parc Frédéric-Back and the Saint-Michel district.

The film was presented as part of the GSEF-CGLUA-ALGA International Program for capacity building in social and solidarity economy (ESS) for local governments and French-speaking organizations.

The circus and SSE, two areas in which Quebec excels, are highlighted in this production which describes a fruitful partnership between a municipality and an SSE company.

Thematics : , Social economy, Social rights


Director | , André Vanasse
Year | , 2021
Country | , Québec
Length | 7 minutes
Camera | Steve Patry