SISMIC & Re/forme

Incu­ba­tion pro­gram for col­lec­tive projects. 


Promotional video for SISMIC; a program of ideation and incubation of collective enterprises offered to young people, aged 18 to 29, attending higher education establishments, offered by the Chantier de l'économie sociale.

In this video, we provide a video review of the first major Grand rendez-vous des jeunes entrepreneur·e·s collectifs. Discover the journey of Béatrice Amyot, founder of Re/forme, an NPO that designs playful educational tools for sex education in elementary and secondary schools.

Thematics : , Entrepreneurship, Social economy


Director | , André Vanasse
Year | , 2022
Country | , Québec
Length | 3 minutes
V.O. | , French
Camera | Mario Calvé
Editing | André Vanasse
Producer | André Vanasse
Sound | Anne-Marie Turcotte